What are the construction requirements?

Construction of a construction object on any land plot, especially a building, is allowed only if the land plot has access to the highway. The construction object must be designed and built in accordance with the following requirements: • must be reliable and fire resistant in terms of fire safety; • comply with sanitary-hygienic norms and rules, serve to create a healthy and safe living environment; • be safe in operation, do not cause undesirable risks to users or accidents (falls, landslides, fires, electric shocks, etc.); • ensure that the effects of noise and vibration do not exceed hazards to human health; • must meet the requirements of heating, ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, acoustics (sound insulation and room acoustics); • comply with energy saving and energy efficiency requirements; • have the necessary infrastructure for the use of the construction site by persons with disabilities and other persons with limited mobility (especially construction facilities intended for general use);

• Information on the condition of greenery in the area before and after the project must be fully and accurately reflected in the construction project documents, and the planting of greenery must be in accordance with the norm of providing the settlement with greenery. In order to ensure the protection of life and health of the population in wartime, military or emergency situations, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of civil defense during the design and construction of construction projects. Rules for calculating the area and volume of the construction object: • The total area of ​​apartments in residential buildings is calculated, including the area of ​​rooms, locations (bathroom, kitchen, corridor, meeting place), as well as loggias, balconies, glazing and terraces. • The total area of ​​apartments in residential buildings is calculated without taking into account the area of ​​external and partition walls, as well as railings. The area where the stove (steam) is located is not included in the total area of ​​the apartment. • Floor-to-ceiling height of apartments in residential buildings should not be less than 2.7 meters.

General requirements for fire safety related to the general plan of the construction site, architectural-planning and construction sections, engineering-communication support and construction materials during the design and construction of buildings and structures (reliability indicators of construction objects, fire and explosion safety, natural and man-made hazards ( harmful) requirements for protection from impacts, quality and conformity of construction materials, products and structures) are determined on the basis of technical normative legal acts on urban planning and construction. • Refractory walls are constructed when it is necessary to prevent the spread of fire and it is not possible to do so otherwise, especially when the distance between adjacent or neighboring buildings is small or where there is a high probability of fire. • Roofing must be weatherproof and fireproof in cases specified by fire safety regulations. • Glass roofs or other light-transmitting roofs, roof windows and glazed parts must comply with the requirements of urban planning and construction regulations to prevent the spread of fire to other parts of the building or adjacent areas in the event of a fire.

• Protective measures should be taken to prevent snow and ice from falling on sidewalks, other public areas or roofs over access roads, where traffic safety is required. • Engineering and communication facilities of construction facilities must be sufficient for the proper operation of those facilities and meet safety requirements during operation. • It is prohibited to place engineering and communication support components on the main facades, roofs and other areas of the construction site. In the specified places, these components must be placed or concealed in accordance with the architectural style of the building in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the rules of engineering and communication provision of construction facilities. To ensure the safe operation of the construction site, the following should be taken into account at the design stage of the facility: • operating conditions according to the purpose of the construction object; • probable impact of the environment on the construction site; • properties of construction materials to be used in construction, the possibility of changing the properties of construction materials and the possibility of their protection from the harmful effects of nature.

During design, special protective measures (vibration dampers, vibration insulation, perforation of protective structures, etc.) must be provided in structures that accept dynamic loads or impacts. Structural elements exposed to dynamic loads shall be designed taking into account the results of reports on their durability and strength. The rules related to the above requirements shall be established by the relevant executive authority – the local executive authority, and in the administrative territory of Baku and other cities by the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Benefisiar.org

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